Thursday, 26 February 2015

Intraday Trade - 26 th Feb

Shorted Tatamotor 250 shares @ Market price
Bought Tatamtrdvr 400 shares @  Market Price

I will update my actual trade in comments section below.

If you think the profit you get is enough, please exit the trade.Don't Wait for my update.

Exit update:(3:15)

Tatamotors Short 250 shares 570.25 561 2312.5
Tatamtrdvr Bought  400 shares 362.75 351.3 -4580

Total Loss -2267.5


  1. My aactual trade:
    Shorted Tatamotor 250 shares @ 570.25
    Bought Tatamtrdvr 400 shares @ 362.75

  2. Tatamotors EQ -Buy 250 shares 570.25 565.4 1212.5
    tatamtrdvr EQ-Sell 400 shares 362.75 357 -2300

    Tatal profit  -1087.5


Have a thought to share.....